🖥️Desktop View

NotionApps provides a full-width desktop experience on larger devices such as laptops, monitors, etc.

Switch between mobile and desktop app previews

In the app builder, you can switch between mobile, desktop, and expanded previews for your application.

Tip: Use shortcut keys to open previews quickly: m → mobile view

d → desktop view

e -> open expanded view/close expanded view

Show mobile view on desktop devices

While the full-width desktop view is the default experience on larger devices, you can configure the app to show a mobile view on these devices. This can be useful for applications that are primarily mobile-only. Please follow this step-by-step guide to enable this behaviour:

  1. Go to the app builder

  2. Go to the settings of the app

  3. Enable "Show mobile view on desktop"

  1. Publish your application

Now, you will see a mobile view if you open your application on a laptop or any other larger device.

Last updated